Expert Endorsements

“Passage is doing something very important - helping young Christians grow into adulthood such that their faith is fully integrated into their lives. As an apologist, I see a great need for Christians to realize that truth and beauty go hand in hand, and that we must engage with culture, not retreat from it, in order to transform it. Passage is helping to prepare the next generation to do precisely that.

“I'm particularly excited about the way that Passage calls young people to a life of holiness - this is the way that we will transform our culture. ”

Fellow of Faith and Culture, Word on Fire Institute
Visiting Professor of Apologetics, Houston Baptist University


“Passage really does infuse a passion for God and His Word. It also provides compelling and logical reasons for students to trust in the gospel wholeheartedly. It offers what no other worldview conference does—one-on-one personal attention with a professor/leader.

“I saw, and I believe you will see, evidence of this program’s effectiveness immediately. Don't miss this opportunity. Invest in the future by providing your students a chance to attend.”

Author, Your Teenager is Not Crazy and After You Drop Them Off

“Passage is one of the best resources available to help train a generation of young people to stand strong in their faith in today's secular culture. I wish every young person would attend.”

Assistant Professor, MA in Apologetics
Biola University


“Passage’s distinctive learning environment is unparalleled in my experience.  Students develop an excitement and appreciation for the intellectual life and understand its role in pursuing God's Kingdom.”

Director, Torrey Honors Institute
Biola University

“Passage is an exceptional spiritual and intellectual experience, and it does an outstanding job of equipping believers in a Christian worldview apt for engaging the world of ideas in college. From the faculty to the staff to the format, the entire program smacks of excellence.”

Distinguished Professor of Philosophy
Talbot School of Theology


“I have seen up close what the Passage experience has done in the lives of students who attend. My conclusion? I've never seen anything like it. Passage is unique, stimulating, transformative, and has a lasting impact on the minds and character of those who take the plunge.”

Director, MA in Apologetics
Biola University

“an exceptional spiritual and intellectual experience”


Alumni Testimonials

“Before I came to Passage, I had completely given up on God and didn't believe at all. Now I feel like I need God so that I can have peace in everything. I found peace here.

“I grew the most in prayer, because I hadn't been praying at all, and then I was told to pray for 30 minutes to an hour. I'm leaving with understanding that I don't have to be totally certain, and I will take that and search for truth in the Bible.”

2014 Alumna


“I had never been so stretched in every area of my life all at once. I was physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually challenged every day. My ideas were challenged, evaluated, supported, and changed in every conversation. To find God in everything was the unspoken goal. The week changes the way you think, the way you see, and love.”

2012 Alumna

“Passage challenged me to raise the bar in my life goals for both youth ministry and personal spiritual growth. Spending a week with distinguished professors who genuinely modeled the love of Christ revealed a whole new level of Christian living to me.

“Passage showed me the ‘something more’ that I did not even realize I was trying to find!”

2003 Alumnus


“Passage is about learning, not just head knowledge and obscure facts, but how to be a better more virtuous human being.

“Some people will tell you that your Wheatstone experience is about learning, and it is, but the word that most closely describes Wheatstone? Love. There are very few times in your life that you can clearly point to and say 'my life changed here.' Passage will be one of them.”

2006 Alumnus

“Passage drew me into a depth that I had not experienced before. It taught me that I can discover Jesus not only in youth group, but as I read, look at art, converse with friends, and simply experience life.

“I've grown in ways that I never expected because my eyes were opened at Passage.”

2008 Alumna


“Passage was my bridge between childhood and adulthood. It fostered Christian maturity by pointing out that life is full of things worth pursuing whatever the cost. It introduced the life I had always wanted but never knew existed.

“‘When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways.’ - I Cor 13:11”

2007 Alumnus

“I have a new sense of what joy, truth, and love are all about. I know that God is here to carry us through, all the way to eternity. I can see goodness, truth, and beauty in a new light, and I'm ready to delve deeper into prayer, and to lean on my friends… all because of this crazy, wonderful, and lovely Passage community. I'm dumbfounded with gratitude.”

2019 Alumna


“Lots of camps make the claim of being the best camp ever. But Passage holds true. It thrusts you into hardship, then gifts you with a mentor and a cohort who can truly help you start to change. Passage is tough, but those who take up the challenge will get more than a standard ‘camp high.’ You’ll truly grow in your faith.”

2919 Alumnus

“Passage was my bridge between childhood and adulthood”

Parent Testimonials

“At Passage, Allen was challenged to think deeply about owning Christ as his Savior. Wrestling his thoughts through discussions, living on campus, immersed in nature and culture through hikes, a Shakespeare play, museum visits, and music concerts, managing his own behavior and life apart from our family for a week, he came back noticeably more mature. I could tell he cared more about Jesus and his life with Christ.

“He says that Passage is not like those "only fun and games others that it will grow them, just like it did for him!”



“My daughter first attended Passage after her freshman year in high school, not really knowing what it would be like. When she returned, I could tell immediately that it had impacted her in profound ways. Her first night back, we stayed up all night, and she opened up to me in a new way. The Passage experience really impacted our relationship as a mother and daughter, and solidified her faith. I believe we are better friends and have a stronger relationship because of Passage.

"I can't say enough about how wonderful it is and how much it impacted our daughter! I wish every teen could go before they graduate high school."


“He came back noticeably more mature. I could tell he cared more about Jesus and his life with Christ. ”